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Eutelsat 9B (9°E) - All transmissions

Orbital position Satellite Norad .ini News channels Free To Air only Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Last updated
9.0°E Eutelsat 9B 41310 706 479 9.03°E -0.06° 0.06° N/A N/A 2024-09-28 17:06

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Page: - Programmes available on this page: Novasports Premier League HD - Novasports 4 HD - Nova Sports 3 HD - Nova Sports 2 HD - Nova Sports HD - Novasports 6 HD - Nova Sports 5 HD - Mediaset Italia - Playboy TV - TVN International Europe

545 record(s) - Sorted by date - Most recent updates: CET

Name Country Category
Novasports Premier League HD Greece Sport
Novasports Premier League HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Novasports Premier League HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) GC5 Horizontal Europe
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
12284.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 170 5
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Novasports Premier League HD 1022 422 522 Greek
622 English
322 422 0
Encryption Packages
VideoGuard Cosmote
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-05 22:47:44
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Name Country Category
Novasports 4 HD Greece Sport
Novasports 4 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Novasports 4 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) GC3 Horizontal Europe
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
12207.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 170 4
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Novasports4HD 1103 4103 5103 Greek
6103 English
3103 4103 0
Encryption Packages
VideoGuard Cosmote
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-05 22:47:08
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Name Country Category
Nova Sports 3 HD Greece Sport
Nova Sports 3 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Nova Sports 3 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) GC3 Horizontal Europe
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
12207.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 170 4
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Novasports3HD 1035 435 535 Greek
635 English
335 435 0
Encryption Packages
VideoGuard Cosmote
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-05 22:46:24
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Name Country Category
Nova Sports 2 HD Greece Sport
Nova Sports 2 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Nova Sports 2 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) E18 Horizontal Europe
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
12054.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 170 2
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Novasports2HD 1060 460 560 Greek
660 English
360 460 0
Encryption Packages
VideoGuard Cosmote
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-05 22:45:22
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Name Country Category
Nova Sports HD Greece Sport
Nova Sports HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Nova Sports HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) E18 Horizontal Europe
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
12054.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 170 2
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Novasports1HD 1009 409 509 Greek
609 English
309 409 0
Encryption Packages
VideoGuard Cosmote
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-05 22:45:05
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Name Country Category
Novasports 6 HD Greece Sport
Novasports 6 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Novasports 6 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) E12 Horizontal Europe
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
11938.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 170 9
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Novasports6HD 1139 4139 5139 Greek
6139 English
3139 4139 0
Encryption Packages
VideoGuard Cosmote
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-05 22:44:25
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Name Country Category
Nova Sports 5 HD Greece Sport
Nova Sports 5 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Nova Sports 5 HD (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) E12 Horizontal Europe
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
11938.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 170 9
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Novasports5HD 1138 4138 5138 Greek
6138 English
3138 4138 0
Encryption Packages
VideoGuard Cosmote
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-05 22:44:12
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Name Country Category
Mediaset Italia Italy General
Mediaset Italia (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Mediaset Italia (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) E14 Horizontal Germany
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
11977.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 156 8500
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Mediaset Italia 501 1511 1512 Italian 1501 1511 0
Encryption Packages
Conax M7 Group
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-04 09:24:10
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Name Country Category
Playboy TV United Kingdom Erotic
Playboy TV (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Playboy TV (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) E14 Horizontal Germany
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
11977.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 156 8500
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
Playboy TV 502 1521 1522 English
1523 French
1502 1521 0
Encryption Packages
Conax M7 Group
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-04 09:24:10
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Name Country Category
TVN International Europe Poland General
TVN International Europe (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
TVN International Europe (Eutelsat 9B - 9.0°E)
Satellite Transponder Polarisation Beam
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) E14 Horizontal Germany
Frequency Standard Modulation SR FEC NID TID
11977.00 MHz DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 156 8500
Identification SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT
iTVN 503 1531 1532 Polish 1503 1531 1533
Encryption Packages
Conax M7 Group
Video Format Colorimetry Aspect Ratio Frame rate Bitrate mode Scan type
Screen Resolution Extra information Last updated
2024-08-04 09:24:10
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