Astra 1M (19.2°E), 2023-09-23
Movistar+: Sundance TV has left 10788.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:30373 PID:174/136 Spanish,145 qaa), it is no longer transmitted by satellite in Europe.
Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2023-07-04
Sundance TV has left 10770.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:2 PID:4340/4341 Spanish,4342)
Es'hail 2 (26°E), 2021-09-01
Sundance TV has left 11390.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:40308 PID:701[MPEG-4]/702 English)
Astra 3B (23.5°E), 2020-03-21
Sundance TV has left 11817.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:20087 PID:871[MPEG-4]/872)
Astra 3B (23.5°E), 2020-03-20
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11817.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:20087 PID:871[MPEG-4]/872.
Es'hail 2 (26°E), 2020-02-20
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Irdeto 2 & VideoGuard: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11390.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:2/3 SID:40308 PID:701[MPEG-4]/702 English.
Thor 6 (0.8°W), 2019-10-04
Digi TV & Focus Sat & Direct One: Sundance TV has left 11843.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:31007 PID:401[MPEG-4] /412 English,416 Turkish,417 Polish,419 English)
Astra 3B (23.5°E), 2019-10-04
Sundance TV has left 11817.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:20087 PID:871[MPEG-4]/872 English)
Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2019-09-29
Sundance TV has left 12137.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:224 PID:3401[H.265]/3402 aac English)
Astra 3B (23.5°E), 2019-04-28
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11817.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:20087 PID:871[MPEG-4]/872 English.
Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2018-11-19
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 12137.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:5/6 SID:224 PID:3401[H.265]/3402 aac English.
Eutelsat 16A (16°E), 2018-08-29
Total TV: Sundance TV has left 10972.17MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:1363 PID:263[MPEG-4]/3631 English,3632)
Amos 3 (4°W), 2018-01-09
T-Home: Sundance TV has left 10842.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:1611 PID:64[MPEG-4]/53 English)
T-Home: Sundance TV has left 10889.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:1611 PID:64[MPEG-4]/53 English)
T-Home: New frequency for Sundance TV: 10842.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1611 PID:64[MPEG-4]/53 English- Conax).
Hispasat 30W-4, 2017-12-12
Movistar+ (Hispasat): Sundance TV has left 12303.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:3039 PID:174/136 Spanish,145 qaa)
Eutelsat 16A (16°E), 2017-10-03
Total TV: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax & VideoGuard: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 10972.17MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/5 SID:1363 PID:263[MPEG-4]/3631 English,3632.
Intelsat 905 (24.5°W), 2017-09-04
AMC Networks Iberia: Sundance TV has left 11513.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:2 PID:4340/4341 Spanish,4342 mul)
Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2017-02-28
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Irdeto 2: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 10770.00MHz, pol.H SR:30000 FEC:5/6 SID:2 PID:4340/4341 Spanish,4342.
Astra 1M (19.2°E), 2016-11-08
Canal+ France & Orange: Sundance TV is back on 11856.00MHz, pol.V SR:29700 FEC:5/6 SID:8205 after a break ( PID:510[MPEG-4]/521 French - Mediaguard 3 & Nagravision 3 & Viaccess 3.0).
Astra 1L (19.2°E), 2016-11-08
Canal+ France & Orange: Sundance TV has left 11567.50MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:8509 PID:910[MPEG-4] /921 French)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2016-03-08
Cosmote: Sundance TV has left 12149.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English)
Astra 1L (19.2°E), 2016-02-09
Canal+ France: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Clear: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11567.50MHz, pol.V SR:22000 FEC:2/3 SID:8509 PID:910[MPEG-4]/921 French.
Hispasat 30W-4, 2015-08-04
Movistar+ (Hispasat): A new channel has started in DVB-S Nagravision 3: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 12303.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:3039 PID:174/136 Spanish,145 qaa.
Astra 1KR (19.2°E), 2015-08-04
Movistar+: A new channel has started in DVB-S Mediaguard 2 & Nagravision 3: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 10788.00MHz, pol.V SR:22000 FEC:5/6 SID:30373 PID:174/136 Spanish,145 qaa.
Amos 3 (4°W), 2015-01-06
T-Home: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 10889.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1611 PID:64[MPEG-4]/53 aac Hungarian.
Intelsat 905 (24.5°W), 2014-10-02
AMC Networks Iberia: A new channel has started in DVB-S Irdeto 2: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11513.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:2 PID:4340/4341 Spanish,4342 mul.
Eutelsat 7A, 2014-05-27
Digitürk: Sundance TV has left 11492.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:1505 PID:2126/3116 Turkish,3117 original audio)
Hot Bird 13C (12.5°W), 2014-04-13
Polsat Box: Sundance TV has left 10758.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:17025 PID:293[MPEG-4]/549 English)
Thor 6 (0.8°W), 2013-01-21
Focus Sat & Direct One: Sundance TV is now encrypted in Conax & Cryptoworks & Irdeto 2 & Nagravision 3 (11843.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:31007 PID:401[MPEG-4] /412 English,416 Turkish,417 Polish,419 English).
Thor 6 (0.8°W), 2013-01-20
Focus Sat & Direct One: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) is now transmitted Free To Air (11843.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:31007 PID:401[MPEG-4] /412 English,416 Turkish,417 Polish,419 English).
Thor 6 (0.8°W), 2012-12-15
Focus Sat & Direct One: Sundance TV is now encrypted in Conax & Cryptoworks & Irdeto 2 & Nagravision 3 (11843.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:31007 PID:401[MPEG-4] /412 English,419 English).
Thor 6 (0.8°W), 2012-12-13
Focus Sat & Direct One: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) is now transmitted Free To Air (11843.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:31007 PID:401[MPEG-4] /412 English,419 English).
Eutelsat 7A, 2012-11-26
Digitürk: A new channel has started in DVB-S Cryptoworks & Irdeto 2: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11492.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1505 PID:2126/3116 original audio.
Hot Bird 13C (12.5°W), 2012-11-22
Polsat Box: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Nagravision 3: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 10758.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:17025 PID:293[MPEG-4]/549 English.
Hispasat 1C, 2012-07-13
Nos: Sundance TV has left 11891.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:407 PID:4320[MPEG-4] /4321 English)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2012-01-05
Sundance TV has left 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:20113 PID:4220[MPEG-4] /4221 English,4222 English)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2011-12-28
Sundance TV (The Netherlands) is now transmitted Free To Air (12092.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20113 PID:4220[MPEG-4] /4221 English,4222 English).
Hispasat 1C, 2011-10-27
Sundance TV has left 11972.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:11 PID:4353[MPEG-4] /4354 English,4355)
Thor 6 (0.8°W), 2011-10-09
Focus Sat & Direct One: Sundance TV is now encrypted in Conax & Cryptoworks & Nagravision 3 (11843.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:31007 PID:401[MPEG-4] /412 English,419 English).
Hispasat 1C, 2011-10-04
Sundance TV (The Netherlands) broadcasts in DVB-S Clear on 11972.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:11 PID:4353[MPEG-4] /4354 English,4355.
Hispasat 1C, 2011-09-28
Nos: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Nagravision 3: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11891.00MHz, pol.H SR:29000 FEC:3/4 SID:407 PID:4320[MPEG-4] /4321 English.
Hellas Sat 2, 2011-09-23
Cosmote: Sundance TV has left 12606.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2011-09-17
Cosmote: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 12149.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:2/3 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English.
Hellas Sat 2, 2011-09-17
Cosmote: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 12606.00MHz, pol.H SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English.
Hellas Sat 2, 2011-09-09
Cosmote: Sundance TV has left 12606.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2011-09-08
Cosmote: Sundance TV has left 12149.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2011-08-29
Sundance TV has left 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:20113 PID:4220[MPEG-4] /4221 English,4222 English)
Hispasat 1C, 2011-08-28
Sundance TV has left 11972.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:9 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482,483)
Hellas Sat 2, 2011-08-23
Cosmote: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) broadcasts in DVB-S2 VideoGuard on 12606.00MHz, pol.H SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English.
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2011-08-18
Cosmote: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 12149.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:2/3 SID:1098 PID:498[MPEG-4] /598 English.
Thor 6 (0.8°W), 2011-07-22
Direct One: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Cryptoworks & Nagravision 3: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11843.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:31007 PID:401[MPEG-4] /412 English,419 English.
Hispasat 1C, 2011-07-13
Sundance TV is now encrypted in Viaccess 4.0 (11972.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:9 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482,483).
Hispasat 1C, 2011-07-12
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 11972.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:9 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482,483.
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2010-04-16
Sundance TV is now encrypted in Viaccess 4.0 (12092.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20113 PID:4220[MPEG-4] /4221 English).
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2010-04-07
New PID for Sundance TV: PID:4220[MPEG-4] /4221 English SID:20113 (12092.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - Clear).
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2010-04-06
Sundance TV is back on 12092.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20113 after a break ( PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English - Clear).
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2010-04-01
Sundance TV has left 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:20113 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English), it is no longer transmitted by satellite in Europe.
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2010-03-30
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 12092.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20113 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English.
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2009-10-28
Sundance TV has left 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:7 PID:484/485 English French)
Sundance TV has left 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:20113 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English French), it is no longer transmitted by satellite in Europe.
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2009-10-03
Sundance TV has left 12054.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:20106 PID:4224/4225 English)
Sundance TV has left 12054.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:20120 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2009-10-02
New frequency for Sundance TV: 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:7 PID:484/485 English French- Clear).
New frequency for Sundance TV: 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20113 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English French- Clear).
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2009-09-10
Sundance TV has left 12092.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:20113 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English)
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2009-09-09
New frequency for Sundance TV: 12054.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20120 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English- Clear).
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2009-09-08
Sundance TV (The Netherlands) broadcasts in DVB-S Clear on 12054.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20106 PID:4224/4225 English.
Hot Bird 13E (13°E), 2009-09-05
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Sundance TV (The Netherlands) on 12092.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:20113 PID:481[MPEG-4] /482 English.
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